pesde 0x5eal / unzip



A single entry (a file or a directory) in a ZIP file, and its properties.

export type ZipEntry = {
	name: string,
	versionMadeBy: { software: string, os: MadeByOS },
	compressedSize: number,
	size: number,
	offset: number,
	timestamp: number,
	method: CompressionMethod,
	crc: number,
	isDirectory: boolean,
	isText: boolean,
	attributes: number,
	parent: ZipEntry?,
	children: { ZipEntry },


  • name - File path within ZIP, '/' suffix indicates directory
  • versionMadeBy - Version of software and OS that created the ZIP
  • compressedSize - Compressed size in bytes
  • size - Uncompressed size in bytes
  • offset - Absolute position of local header in ZIP
  • timestamp - MS-DOS format timestamp
  • method - Method used to compress the file
  • crc - CRC32 checksum of the uncompressed data
  • isDirectory - Whether the entry is a directory or not
  • isText - Whether the entry is plain ASCII text or binary
  • attributes - File attributes
  • parent - Parent directory entry, nil if entry is root
  • children - Children of the entry, if it was a directory, empty array for files




This is a private API. It may be exported publicly, but try to avoid using this API, since it can have breaking changes at any time without warning.
	offset: number, -- Offset of the entry in the ZIP file
	name: string, -- File path within ZIP, '/' suffix indicates directory
	properties: ZipEntryProperties, -- Properties of the entry
): ZipEntry

Returns whether the entry is a symlink.

ZipEntry:isSymlink(): boolean


Resolves the path of the entry based on its relationship with other entries. It is recommended to use this method instead of accessing the name property directly, although they should be equivalent.


Never use this method when extracting files from the ZIP, since it can contain absolute paths (say /etc/passwd) referencing directories outside the current directory (say /tmp/extracted), causing unintended overwrites of files.

ZipEntry:getPath(): string


Resolves the path of the entry based on its relationship with other entries and returns it only if it is safe to use for extraction, otherwise returns nil.

ZipEntry:getSafePath(): string?


Sanitizes the path of the entry, potentially losing information, but ensuring the path is safe to use for extraction.

ZipEntry:sanitizePath(): string


Calculates the compression efficiency of the entry, or nil if the entry is a directory.

Uses the formula: round((1 - compressedSize / size) * 100) and outputs a percentage.

ZipEntry:compressionEfficiency(): number?


Returns whether the entry is a file, i.e., not a directory or symlink.

ZipEntry:isFile(): boolean


Parses the entry's attributes to extract a UNIX mode, represented as a UnixMode.

ZipEntry:unixMode(): UnixMode?



The OS that created the ZIP.

export type MadeByOS = "FAT" | "AMIGA" | "VMS" | "UNIX" | "VM/CMS" | "Atari ST" | "OS/2" | "MAC" | "Z-System" | "CP/M" | "NTFS" | "MVS" | "VSE" | "Acorn RISCOS" | "VFAT" | "Alternate MVS" | "BeOS" | "TANDEM" | "OS/400" | "OS/X" | "Unknown"


The method used to compress the file:

  • STORE - No compression
  • DEFLATE - Compressed raw deflate chunks
export type CompressionMethod = "STORE" | "DEFLATE"



This is a private type. It may be exported publicly, but try to avoid using it, since its definition can have a breaking change at any time without warning.

A set of properties that describe a ZIP entry. Used internally for construction of ZipEntry objects.

export type ZipEntryProperties = {
	versionMadeBy: number,
	compressedSize: number,
	size: number,
	attributes: number,
	timestamp: number,
	method: CompressionMethod?,
	crc: number,
  • versionMadeBy - Version of software and OS that created the ZIP
  • compressedSize - Compressed size in bytes
  • size - Uncompressed size in bytes
  • attributes - File attributes
  • timestamp - MS-DOS format timestamp
  • method - Method used
  • crc - CRC32 checksum of the uncompressed data


A object representation of the UNIX mode.

export type UnixMode = {
	perms: string,
	typeFlags: string,
  • perms - The permission octal
  • typeFlags - The type flags octal


The main class which represents a decoded state of a ZIP file, holding references to its entries. This is the primary point of interaction with the ZIP file's contents.

export type ZipReader = {
	data: buffer,
	comment: string,
	entries: { ZipEntry },
	directories: { [string]: ZipEntry },
	root: ZipEntry,


  • data - The buffer containing the raw bytes of the ZIP
  • comment - Comment associated with the ZIP
  • entries - The decoded entries present
  • directories - The directories and their respective entries
  • root - The entry of the root directory



Creates a new ZipReader instance from the raw bytes of a ZIP file.

Errors if the ZIP file is invalid.
	data: buffer, -- The buffer containing the raw bytes of the ZIP
): ZipReader



This is a private API. It may be exported publicly, but try to avoid using this API, since it can have breaking changes at any time without warning.

Parses the central directory of the ZIP file and populates the entries and directories fields. Used internally during initialization of the ZipReader.

Errors if the ZIP file is invalid.




This is a private API. It may be exported publicly, but try to avoid using this API, since it can have breaking changes at any time without warning.

Builds the directory tree from the entries. Used internally during initialization of the ZipReader.



Finds a ZipEntry by its path in the ZIP archive.

	path: string, -- Path to the entry to find
): ZipEntry?


Extracts the specified ZipEntry from the ZIP archive. See ZipReader

for extracting directories.

	entry: ZipEntry, -- The entry to extract
	options: ExtractionOptions?, -- Options for the extraction
): buffer | string


Extracts all the files in a specified directory, skipping any directory entries.

Errors if ZipReader

errors on an entry in the directory.

	path: string, -- The path to the directory to extract
	options: ExtractionOptions?, -- Options for the extraction
): { [string]: buffer } | { [string]: string }


Lists the entries within a specified directory path.

	path: string, -- The path to the directory to list
): { ZipEntry }


Recursively walks through the ZIP file, calling the provided callback for each entry with the current entry and its depth.

	callback: (entry: ZipEntry, depth: number) -> (), -- The function to call for each entry


Retrieves statistics about the ZIP file.

ZipReader:getStats(): ZipStatistics



export type ZipStatistics = {
	fileCount: number,
	dirCount: number,
	totalSize: number,
  • fileCount - The number of files in the ZIP
  • dirCount - The number of directories in the ZIP
  • totalSize - The total size of all files in the ZIP