Lockless DataStore library
A package manager for the Luau programming language, supporting multiple runtimes including Roblox and Lune.
Get StartedLockless DataStore library
An easy to use module for playing & pre-loading animations in roblox.
A featherlight and quick framework for Roblox experiences.
lune setup command written in luau but for newer luau-lsp
A* search algorithm in luau
A standard library for jecs
Fast Entity Component Export System: Generalized Replication for jecs.
A jecs utility for easy entity-mapping
Roblox/chalk-lua for Luau
Check and lint your luau project with recommended toolings such as selene, luau-lsp, and stylua
A Luau-to-Lua transpiler
A minimal copy of jecs published on the official pesde registry
A simple and declarative UI framework, inspired by Vide & Fusion
A Token Bucket implementation for Luau
A lightning fast networking solution for roblox.
A feather light game framework for Luau
A lightweight networking library with buffers, extremely friendly syntax and focused on giving you high control over your Remote behavior.
Language Server Implementation for Luau
An IDL compiler written in Luau for ROBLOX buffer networking